The World of Suzie Wong

Old wine in a new cheongsam

By William Wetherall

First posted 1 September 2006
Last updated 1 September 2006

Mason 1957 1957 World Publishing hardcover edition (1st) (US)
Copped and cropped from
Mason 1957 1957 hardcover edition (UK)
Copped and cropped from
Mason 1957 1957 Collins hardcover edition (UK)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1958 August 1958 (1st) Signet paperback (US)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1960 November 1960 (8th) Signet paperback (US), Movie tie-in
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1959 Play premiered 14 October 1958 at Broadhurst Theatre
1959 Broadhurst Theatre playbill (US)
Featured France Nuyen as Suzie Wong
and William Shatner as Robert Lomax
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1960
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1960 Released in Japan on 25 January 1961 as Suuzii Won [woŋ] no sekai
1960 Paramount Pictures Japan poster
Featured Nancy Kwan as Suzie Wong and William Holden as Robert Lomax
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1995 Mason 1995

1995 Paramount Pictures VHS carboard sleeve edition (US)
Yosha Bunko scans

Mason 1964 July 1964 (10th) Signet paperback (US)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1957
Copped and cropped from
Mason 1960 November 1960 (9th) Fontana paperback (UK)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1982 November 1982 (21st) Fontana paperback (UK)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1985 Mason 1985

8-23 June 1985 Theatre Apple production pamphlet (Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan)
Featured Judy Ongg as Suzie Wong and Nakayama Jin as Robert Lomax
Nakamura was born in Taiwan, in the Empire of Japan, in 1942
Ongg was born in Taiwan, in the Republic of China, in 1950
Yosha Bunko scans

Mason 1994 蘇絲黃的世界 Susi Huang [Wong] de shijie
1994 Pegasus paperback (Hong Kong)
Copped and cropped from
Mason 1964 December 1964 Rowohlt paperback (Germany)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 1976 November 1976 Rowohlt paperback (Germany)
Yosha Bunko scan
Mason 2001 2001 Heyne paperback (Germany)
Copped and cropped from
Mason_Paramount_Suzie_Wong_1995_VHS_1_yb.jpg Mason_Paramount_Suzie_Wong_1995_VHS_2_yb.jpg

Richard Mason
The World of Suzie Wong

Hardcover editions

Cleveland: The World Publishing Co., 1957
345 pages, hardcover

London: Collins, 1957
383 pages, hardcover
Dust jacket design by Harry Toothill

Paperback editions
German paperbacks

Richard Mason
Suzie Wong (Roman)
Translated by Edmund Th. Kauer
Hamburg:Rowohlt, 1964 (1959)
385 pages, paperback (rororo Taschenbuch 325-326)

Richard Mason
Suzie Wong (Roman)
Translated by Edmund Th. Kauer
Hamburg:Rowohlt, 1976 (1959)
385 pages, paperback (rororo Taschenbuch 325)

Richard Mason
Suzie Wong (Roman)
Translated by Edmund Th. Kauer
Munchen: Heyne-Verlag, 2001
399 pages, paperback (13285)

"Suzie Wong" is a household word in Steamy East lore, throughout the world, thanks less to Richard Mason's 1957 novel than to Nancy Kwan's portral of Mee Ling "Suzie" Wong in the 1960 movie directed by Richard Quine (1920-1989). The movie was based on a play by Paul Osborn (1901-1988), who wrote the screenplay Sayonara, a 1957 film based on James Michener's novel.

To be continued.

The name "Suzie Wong"

Richard Mason wrote Suzie Wong in four months while in Hong Kong in 1956. He has said that Suzie Wong was "a mixture of the different girls in the bar" he observed. A girl named Suzie was going to sue him but the Suzie in his novel was no one in particular -- just "a good name; rather like naming a pet, you look for a good name" (Guy Haydon, "About the Author", in Suzie Wong, Hong Kong: Pegasus, 1994).

Guy Haydon also relates Mason's account of how Suzie came to be "Wong" (Ibid.).

Originally I called her Suzie something else, but then, when I was looking for a title for the book, I thought of The World of Suzie . . . and the World of Suzie whatever I'd got didn't sound right. I thought it must alliterate. Then I chose the Wong.


The World of Suzie Wong
Le Monde de Suzie Wong
Le Petit Monde de Suzie Wong
Il mondo di Suzie Wong
El mundo de Suzie Wong
Suzie Wong (German)

250. LE PETIT MONDE DE SUZIE WONG: MASON Richard Seller Image LE PETIT MONDE DE SUZIE WONG MASON Richard Published by Presses de la Cit?? (1958) Used Hardcover Quantity Available: 1 From: Le-Livre (SABLONS, France) Seller Rating: 5-star rating US$ 39.84 Convert currency Shipping: US$ 16.21 From France to Japan Destination, rates & speeds About this Item: Presses de la Cit??, 1958. Couverture rigide. Condition: bon. R160032886: 1958. In-8. Reli??. Bon ??tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Int??rieur frais. 343 pages. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 820-Litt??ratures anglaise et anglo-saxonne. Seller Inventory # R160032886 More information about this seller | Contact this seller 251. LE MONDE DE SUZIE WONG: MASON RICHARD Seller Image LE MONDE DE SUZIE WONG Richard Mason Le Monde de Suzie Wong Roman Traduit de l'anglais par France-Marie Watkins et David Magliocco Scientrier (France): Éditions GOPE, March 2011 459 pages (including back matter), paperback

Includes an introduction titled "Suzie Wong entre réve et réalité" by Gérard Henry (pages 3-5, net 2008), an afterword titled "Le monde de Suzie Wong: est un conte de fées" by Étienne rosse (net 2009, pages 443-448), and a chronology of Mason's life titled "Repères chronologiques et bibliographiiques" (pages 449-450).

Published by PRESSES DE LA CITE (1958) Used Hardcover Quantity Available: 2 From: Le-Livre (SABLONS, France) Seller Rating: 5-star rating US$ 39.84 Convert currency Shipping: US$ 16.21 From France to Japan Destination, rates & speeds About this Item: PRESSES DE LA CITE, 1958. Couverture rigide. Condition: bon. R160170993: 1958. In-8. Reli??. Bon ??tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Int??rieur frais. 316 Pages. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 820-Litt??ratures anglaise et anglo-saxonne. Seller Inventory # R160170993 More information about this seller | Contact this seller 252. LE PETIT MONDE DE SUZIE WONG: MASON RICHARD Seller Image LE PETIT MONDE DE SUZIE WONG MASON RICHARD Published by PRESSES DE LA CITE (1958) Used Hardcover Quantity Available: 1 From: Le-Livre (SABLONS, France) Seller Rating: 5-star rating US$ 39.84 Convert currency Shipping: US$ 16.21 From France to Japan Destination, rates & speeds About this Item: PRESSES DE LA CITE, 1958. Couverture rigide. Condition: bon. R160170996: 1958. In-8. Reli??. Bon ??tat, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Int??rieur frais. 343 Pages - Frontispice en noir et blanc. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 820-Litt??ratures anglaise et anglo-saxonne. Seller Inventory # R160170996 More information about this seller | Contact this seller 253. The World of Suzie Wong: Richard Mason, Sam Stock Image The World of Suzie Wong Richard Mason, Sam Sloan (Introduction) Published by Ishi Press (2013) ISBN 10: 4871876144 ISBN 13: 9784871876148 Used Softcover Quantity Available: 1 From: Ergodebooks (RICHMOND, TX, U.S.A.) Seller Rating: 4-star rating US$ 32.64 Convert currency Shipping: US$ 24.00 From U.S.A. to Japan Destination, rates & speeds About this Item: Ishi Press, 2013. Paperback. Condition: Used: Good. Seller Inventory # SONG4871876144