Selected reviews
Americans utterly lost
Paranoia and censorship
How to read pulp fiction
Chinks, Chinamen, and dolls
Niggers, Indians, and none
Black Samurai fights evil
Mr. Moto is so handsome
Charlie Chan will never die
M. P. Shiel's yellow peril trilogy
Schreiber's "Steamy East"
Comfort women in popular fiction
The Return of SHOW-gun
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Image studies

Updated 13 August 2024

Comfort women in popular fiction (Yosha Bunko)
Barry Eisler rains on big publishing's parade
The Return of SHOW-gun

Posting history
2024-08-12   New Susanna Jones, The Earthquake Bird, 2001, 2019
2024-08-12   Revised Backpackers, sojourners, settlers
2024-07-17   "The Steamy East" was reconfigured without the "" domain
2023-12-15   New Brian Harvey, Tokyo Girl, 2016
2023-12-15   New Emiko Jean, Tokyo Ever After, 2021, and Tokyo Dreaming, 2022
2023-12-15   New David Mitchell, number9dream, 2001
2023-12-15   New John Altman, The Korean Woman, 2020
2023-12-15   Revised Earnest Hoberecht: The journalist who wanted to fly
2001-01-14   "" domain acquired from Tera-Byte Dot Com in Canada
    Domain used to faciliate the launch of "The Steamy East" website

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"Posting history" links are to new, revised, and updated files in order of recency.
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Files are uploaded at which point they are considered minimally presentable.
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