Publications by William Wetherall

In dusty and musty but trusty print media, 1963 to date

First posted circa 2000
Last updated 22 August 2024

This list of publications includes only those that have appeared in print media.
Articles published only on Yosha Bunko or other electronic media are not included.

For most of my life I have been a researcher, writer, translator, and editor.
For more about my personal background see the About page.
and the Family history and Mill Street pages under Wetherall.


Original stories

1983	"The Passer" [unpublished]
	Placed 17th among 329 entries in
	3rd Asia Week Short Story Contest (1983)

1984	"The Reunion"
	Placed 4th among 389 entries in
	4th Asia Week Short Story Contest (1984)

	Revised for and published in:
	Suzanne Kamata (ed)
	The Broken Bridge
	(Fiction from Expatriates in Literary Japan)
	Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 1997, 113-127

1985	"Hospitality" [unpublished]
	Placed 11th among over 400 entries in
	5th Asia Week Short Story Contest (1985)

1988	"The River" (short story)
	Asiaweek, 14(3), 15 January 1988, 61-65
	Placed 3rd among XXX entries in
	7th Asia Week Short Story Contest (1987)

	Reprinted in:
	Leon Comber (ed)
	Prize Winning Asian Fiction
	Hong Kong University Press, 1991, 315-328

1989	"The Emperor's Vision" (short story)
	Kyoto Journal, 10, Spring 1989, 10-11

1991	"The River" (short story)
	In: Leon Comber (ed)
	Prize Winning Asian Fiction
	Hong Kong University Press, 1991, 315-328

	Originally published in:
	Asiaweek, 14(3), 15 January 1988, 61-65
	Placed 3rd in 7th Asia Week Short Story Contest (1987)

1991	"The House of Wang" (short story)
	In: Leon Comber (ed)
	Prize Winning Asian Fiction
	Hong Kong University Press, 329-343

	Tied for 3rd place among XXX entries in
	8th and last Asia Week Short Story Contest (1988)

1992	"Boundaries" (25 short-short stories)
	Mainichi Daily News
	7 March - 19 September 1992

1997	"The Reunion" (short story)
	In: Suzanne Kamata (ed)
	The Broken Bridge
	(Fiction from Expatriates in Literary Japan)
	Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 113-127

	Revision of story first written in 1984
	for 4th Asia Week Short Story Contest
	in which it placed 4th among 389 entries

2011	"Spring 2011" (short story)
	SWET newsletter (Tokyo), Number 128, June 2011, pages 17-22


Translated stories

1970s	Translated by William Wetherall
	Matsumoto Seicho, "Harikomi" [Stakeout]
	Unpublished short story submitted with article on Matsumoto to
	Journal of Popular Culture, which wanted only the article.
	I didn't want to publish the article without the story.
	First ranslated at UC Berkeley in mid 1970s
	Posted on Yosha Bunko website, 2006
	Revised on Yosha Bunko website, 2023

1973	Translated by William Wetherall
	Oe Kenzaburo, "Miru mae ni tobe" [Leap before you look]
	First translated at U.C. Berkeley in 1973
	Presented with structural analysis in seminar on Oe Kenzaburo at UCB (Francis Motofuji)
	Posted on Yosha Bunko website, 2006
	Revised on Yosha Bunko website, 2023

1976	Translated by William Wetherall
	Nishino Tatsukichi, "American Japanese" [Beikei Nichijin]
	First translated in 1976-1977
	Posted on Yosha Bunko website, 2006
	Revised on Yosha Bunko & Konketsuji websites, 2023

1989	Translated by William Wetherall
	Oe Kenzaburo, "Unexpected Muteness" [Fui no oshi]
	First translated at U.C. Berkeley in 1973
	Japan Quarterly, 36(1), January-March 1989, pages 35-44

1996	Cotranslated with Kunioki Yanagishita
	Oe Kenzaburo, A Quiet Life [Shizukana seikatsu]
	New York: Grove/Atlantic, 240 pages

1996	Translated by William Wetherall
	Takagi Nobuko, "Return Flow" [Kanryu]
	Japanese Literature Today [Japan P.E.N. Club]
	No. 21, 1996, pages 22-31

1998	Translated by William Wetherall
	Oda Makoto, "Stomping on Aboji" ['Aboji' o fumu]
	Japanese Literature Today [Japan P.E.N. Club]
	No. 23, 1998 pages 16-25


Translated novels

1996	Cotranslated with Kunioki Yanagishita
	Oe Kenzaburo, A Quiet Life [Shizukana seikatsu]
	New York: Grove/Atlantic, 240 pages

2020	Cotranslated with Kunioki Yanagishita
	Kunioki Yanagishita, Catch 51: A Han-Japa Odyssey
	[Kyatchi 51: Aru han-Japa no tabi]
	Tokyo: Soseki Books, 271 pages


Chasing the moon (Tsuigetsuki)

By Sugimoto Akiko

The following stories, some entirely fictional, others partly autobiographical, were written by Sugimoto Akiko, who studied Chinese literature for three years at Beijing University in the late 1990s. Born in Tokyo in 1977, Akiko has been an avid reader and student of Japanese and Chinese literature since her childhood, largely inspired by her grandmother's older brother, Inoue Yasushi, who treated her as a grandchild, and whose study she frequented when in elementary and middle school. All the articles were woodblock illustrated by Kubota Kenji.

2005	Possessed by the magic of Kanji
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 1
	The East, 41(1), May/June 2005, pages 32-34

2005	Xiaoqing
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 2
	The East, 41(2), July/August 2005, pages 32-35

2005	Witch in training
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 3
	The East, 41(3), September/October 2005, pages 32-37

2005	Landscape of stone
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 4
	The East, 41(4), November/December 2005, pages 36-39

2006	Going north
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 5
	The East, 41(5), January/February 2006, pages 31-35

2006	Mao at Baiyunguan
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 6
	The East, 41(6), March/April 2006, pages 40-43

2006	My 1997
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 7
	The East, 42(1), May/June 2006, pages 36-39

2006	Guizi and Ahn
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 8
	The East, 42(2), July/August 2006, pages 35-39

2006	Three Chinese stories
	(Jiaoren; The Sun, the Moon, and the cat; Wenwen)
	Sugimoto Akiko (Translation by William Wetherall)
	Chasing the moon, Part 9
	The East, 42(3), September/October 2006, pages 40-42




1982	Wetherall, William
	Following-in-Death in Early Japan
	PhD Dissertation, Asian Studies
	University of California at Berkeley
	University Microfilms International, DA8313017, 608 pages

	Dissertation Abtracts International, Vol. 44 No. 1 (1983)
	University Microfilm order number UM 83-13,017

	Suicidal and homicidal following-in-death in Japan, as seen from
	classical sources and archaeological findings concerning the
	ancient civilizations of Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe



1987	Bibliography of Suicidology in Japan [In Japanese]
	Tokyo: Japan Suicide Prevention Association, Inochi no Denwa, i, 149, 1 pages






1974	Coauthored with George De Vos
	De Vos, George A., and William O. Wetherall
	Japan's Minorities (Burakumin, Koreans, and Ainu)
	London: Minority Rights Group, 1974, 20 pages
	[2nd revised and expanded edition of 1968 pamphlet on burakumin written by George De Vos]

1983	Coauthored with George De Vos and Kaye Stearman
	De Vos, George A., William O. Wetherall, and Kaye Stearman
	Japan's Minorities (Burakumin, Koreans, Ainu and Okinawans)
	London: Minority Rights Group, 1983, 18 pages
	[3rd edition, "updated" by Kaye Stearman]
	[Note: This edition was not authorized by either De Vos or Wetherall]


1981	Translated by William Wetherall
	Inamura Hiroshi (Professor of Social Psychiatry, University of Tsukuba)
	The Study of Suicide: Its Treatment and Prevention
	A translation of Jisatsugaku [Suicidology]
	Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1977
	Manuscript submitted to University of California Press in July 1981.
	Manuscript returned with reviewer comments stipulating flaws in content.
	UC Press issued contract on basis of prospectus for co-authored version.
	Inamura did not return contract or make revisions in his chapters.
	Working manuscript returned to Inamura but copy retained by Wetherall.



1978	Coauthored with Hashimoto Mitsuo [in English and Japanese]
	Hashimoto Mitsuo and Uezarooru Uiriamu
	Eigo de Nihon o kataro (Amerika no shinbun ni miru Nihon)
	[Discussing Japan in English (Japan as seen in American
	(Japanese Current Events as Seen in American Newspapers)
	Osaka: Sogensha, 1978, 134 pages

1985	Coedited with Kajiki Ryuichi and two other editors
	The Progressive Course I [in English and Japanese] (High School, English I)
	Tokyo: Hitotsubashi Shuppan, 1985

1985	Coedited with Kajiki Ryuichi and two other editors
	The Progressive Course II [in English and Japanese]
	(High School, English II), Two Volumes, Tokyo: Hitotsubashi Shuppan, 1985

1985	Coedited with Kajiki Ryuichi and two other editors
	Writing for Understanding [in English and Japanese] (High School, English C),
	Tokyo: Hitotsubashi Shuppan, 1985

1985	Coedited with Kajiki Ryuichi and two other editors
	Reading for Understanding [in English and Japanese] (High School, English B)
	Tokyo: Hitotsubashi Shuppan, 1985



1997	Bilingual Journalism and Fiction
	(Workshop on reading, translation, writing, editing,
	and publication of news articles and fictional stories)
	[2 volumes covering 36 two-hour units]
	Tokyo: International Education center, 1997

1997	Bilingual Knowledge and Skills
	(Survey of basic concepts and applications
	of all major fields of letters and science)
	[8 volumes covering 36 two-hour units]
	Tokyo: International Education center, 1997

1997	Bilingual World
-2001	(Survey of translations of selected works
	of Japanese literature and other materials
	from classic and contemporary sources)
	Tokyo: International Education center, 1997-2001
	4 volumes, each covering 18 two-hour units
	Each different but with basic overlap
	Designed to be taken once or sequentially
		Spring Semester, 200 pages
		Fall Semester, 170 pages
		Spring Semester, 132 pages
		Fall Semester, 132 pages



Articles in books

1975	Coauthored with George De Vos
	Wetherall, William O.; and George A. De Vos
	"Ethnic Minorities in Japan"
	In: Veenhoven et al (eds)
	Case Studies on Human rights and Fundamental Freedoms (A World Survey)
	The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 5 volumes (1975-1976), Volume 1 (1975), pages 333-375

1979	[In Japanese] "Nihon no 'sukui o motomeru sakebi', ima to mukashi"
	['Cries for help' in Japan, past and present]
	In: Japan Suicide Prevention Association, Inochi no Denwa (eds)
	Jisatsu yobo to shiseikan [Suicide prevention and views of life and death]
	Tokyo: Seiwa Shoten, pages 165-170
	Translation by author of paper presented in English at
	1st International Symposium on Views of Life and Death in Asia, Tokyo, 1978.

1981	"Public Figures in Popular Culture: Identity Problems of Minority Heroes"
	In: Changsoo Lee and George De Vos (eds)
	Koreans in Japan (Ethnic Conflict and Accommodation)
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981, pages 281-303, 406-413 (Chapter 12)

1983	[In Japanese] Japanese translation of preceding article, in same volume.
	"Nihon ni okeru jisatsu hitei ron"  [Suicide-opposing views in Japan]
	In: Kyoto Kokusai Bunka Kyokai (ed)
	Watakushi no Nihongaku (Gaikokujin ni yoru Nihongaku ronbunshu)
	[My Japanology (Collection of Japanology papers by foreigners)]
	Kyoto: Bunrikaku, 1983, pages 125-142

1983	"Japan's Anti-Suicide Traditions"
	In: International Cultural Association of Kyoto (ed)
	Essays on Japanology, 1978-1982
	Kyoto: Bunrikaku, 1983, pages 105-123

	Winner of Specialist Division, Third Japanology Essay Contest,
	International Cultural Association of Kyoto, 1980.

	Abridged edition published as "Anti-Suicide Traditions in Japan:  Past
	and Present", The Japan Times, 14 February 1981, pp. 10-11.

1983	[In Japanese] "Josei no jisatsu" [Women and suicide]
	In: Nihon Jistatsu Yobo Gakkai [Japan Suicide Prevention Association] (ed)
	Raifusaikuru ni okeru sei to shi [Life and death in the life cycle]
	Tokyo:  Nihon Jitsatsu Yobo Gakkai, 1983, pages 83-85

1993	[In Japanese: "Nihongo yaku ni yoru buraku mondai no massho:
	Ayamari ya ninshikibusoku wa ken'etsu hodo kowakunai"
	[The eradication of the buraku problem in Japanese translations:
	Errors and lack of awareness not as frightening as censorship]
	In Narusawa Eiju (editor)
	Hyogen no jiyu to buraku mondai
	[Freedom of expression and the buraku problem]
	Kyoto: Buraku Mondai Kenkyujo, 1993, pages 88-109

	First published in Buraku (see Articles in journals)
	Also presented at BPLI seminar (see Presentations)

2006	"Nationality in Japan"
	Chapter 2 in: Soo im Lee, Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, and Harumi Befu (editors)
	Japan's Diversity Dilemmas
	(Ethnicity, Citizenship, and Education)
	Lincoln (NE): iUniverse, 2006, pages 11-46

2008	"The Racialization of Japan"
	Chapter 12 in: David Blake Willis and Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu (editors)
	Transcultural Japan
	(At the borderlands of race, gender and identity)
	[Routledge Studies in Asia's Transformations]
	London: Routledge, 2008 (xxv, 342 pages, hardcover)
	Pages 264-281 (Chapter 12)

2016	"Zaitokukai and the Japanese roots of Zainichiism"
	Part 3 (pages 201-209) of Mark Schreiber and William Wetherall
	Tabloid Nationalism and Racialism in Japan
	Chapter 15 (pages 195-209) in: Jeff Kingston (editor)
	Press Freedom in Contemporary Japan
	[Routledge Studies in Asia's Transformations]
	London: Routledge, 2016 (xiv, 322 pages, paper cover)
	See also Part 1 (pages 195-196) of Chapter 15
	William Wetherall and Mark Schreiber
	Introduction: History and terminology


Articles in encyclopedias

1983	"Foreigners in Japan"
	Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan
	Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983 (9 volumes), Volume 2, pages 313-314

2000	"Population: A human crossroads"
	Japan National Tourist Organization (Website)
	Internet: 2000

2000	"Did people really commit harakiri?"
	Japan National Tourist Organization (Website)
	Internet: 2000

2000	"What is Chushingura?"
	Japan National Tourist Organization (Website)
	Internet: 2000

2000	"Why is the Chushingura saga so popular?"
	Japan National Tourist Organization (Website)
	Internet: 2000


Articles in journals

1965	"What Shall We Do With Andromeda?"
	California Engineer (UC Berkeley), 43(6), March 1965, pages 22-23, 30, 32

1966	"Cybernetics and Semantics"
	California Engineer (UC Berkeley), 44(4), January 1966, pages 12-17

1979	[In Japanese] Coauthored with Chung Daekyun
-1980	Chung Daekyun and Uezarooru Uiriamu
	"Gaikokujin kyojusha ron"  [On foreign residents (in Japan)]
	Part 1, Chosen kenkyu (Tokyo), No. 196, December 1979, pages 34-42
	Part 2, Chosen kenkyu (Tokyo), No. 202, August 1980, pages 26-32

1981	[In Japanese] Discussion with Sato Kinko
	Uezarooru Uiriamu and Sato Kinko (Attorney)
	"Kokusekiho wa sakoku no ibutsu ka (Hoishiki kara mita Nihonjin to Amerikajin)"
	[Is the Nationality Law the legacy of a closed country?
	(Japanese and Americans seen from legal their legal awareness)]
	Eigo tenbo (Tokyo), No. 74, Summer 1981, pages 17-22, 30

1984	[In Japanese] "Shinju wa Nihon dokutoku no mono de wa nai"
	[Murder-suicide is not peculiar to Japan]
	Jisatsu yobo to kiki kainyu (Tokyo), No. 9, November 1984, pages 31-34

1989	"Buffer Zones" [On Oe Kenzaburo]
	Japan Quarterly, 36(1), January-March 1989, pages 32-34

1989	"Naturally Speaking" [On Hirohito and the emperor system]
	Japan Quarterly, 36(1), January-March 1989, pages 45-49

1991	[In Japanese] "Jisatsu tokei no goho to goyo:
	Kancho, masukomi, oyobi gakkai ni okeru "suji mosho" no shindan to chiryo"
	[The Misreporting and Misuse of Suicide Statistics in Japan:
	A Diagnosis and Treatment of Innumeracy in the Bureaucracy, Mass Media, and Academia]
	Seishin hoken kenkyu, 4(37), 1991, pages 47-70
	Journal of Mental Health, Number 37, 1991, pages 47-70
	Official Publication of the National Institute of Mental Health, NCNP, Japan

1991	[In Japanese] "Jisatsu no topogurafii-zu: toritsusen ni yoru gurafikku hoho"
	[The topography of suicide in Japan: A graphic method using isorate lines]
	Kosei to shihyo, 38(15), December 1991, pages 27-35
	Journal of Health and Welfare Statistics, Health and Welfare Statistics Association

1991	Tooru Takahashi, Shizuo Aizawa, Tatsuo Takeuchi, and William Wetherall
	"Personality Traits of Patients with Anxiety Neurosis"
	The Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology, 45(4), 1991, pages 779-786

1991	"Race, Culture, and History in American and Japanese Popular Fiction"
	The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
	4th Series, Volume 6, 1991, pages 87-113

1993	[In Japanese] "Nihongo yaku ni yoru buraku mondai no massho:
	Ayamari ya ninshikibusoku wa ken'etsu hodo kowakunai"
	[The eradication of the buraku problem in Japanese translations:
	Errors and lack of awareness not as frightening as censorship]
	Buraku, 45(3)561, March 1993, pages 23-40

	Republished in Narasawa 1993 (see Articles in books)
	Also presented at BPLI seminar (see Presentations)

1995	[In Japanese] "Koreisha no jisatsu tokei:
	Shiinhi ga agaru ippo, shiboritsu wa sagatte iru"
	[Elderly suicide statistics:
	Ratio as cause of death increasing, but mortality rate decreasing]
	Seikatsu kyoiku, 39(11), November 1995, pages 8-12
	[Magazine for Public Health Nurse (Tokyo: Hoken Dojin Sha)]

2005	"Kwannon or Kannon?" (Readable romanization)
	SWET newsletter (Tokyo), Number 107, April 2005, pages 3-13

2005	"Botchan: A Modern Classic" [Review article]
	SWET newsletter (Tokyo), Number 108, July 2005, pages 43-49

2006	William Wetherall and Mark Schreiber
	"News nishikie: An arranged marriage that didn't last"
	Andon 80 (Leiden: Society for Japanese Arts), 2006, pages 5-24
	(cover story)

2008	"Keene, Seidensticker, et al.:
	Products of War, Commodities of Peace"
	SWET newsletter (Tokyo), Number 121, November 2008, pages 12-23


Articles in magazines and newsletters

Far Eastern Economic Review

Weekly magazine published in Hong Kong
Wrote mainly feature articles for Arts and Society section
Filed all such articles with section editors in Hong Kong
Filed only one news article with FEER Tokyo Bureau Chief

1983-1990 -- Over 60 feature articles and book reviews

1983	"Japan's pop Roots fails to cast new light on minority problems"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 122(41), 13 October 1983, pages 62-63

1983	"Sizing up the differences in sexual standards"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 122(49), 8 December 1983, pages 51-52

1984	"Untouchables remain touchy in pedigree-conscious Japan"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 123(9), 1 March 1984, pages 35-36

1984	"Dual nationals caught in a storm over their Mt. Fuji inheritance"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 124(23), 7 June 1984, pages 40-42

1984	"Puzzle of the past: Who is buried in Kusakabe's tomb?"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 125(31), 2 August 1984, pages 31-32

1984	"The purgers and proliferators of Japan's erotica industry"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 125(36), 6 September 1984, pages 45-46

1984	"Striking sensitivities in sumo's inner sanctum"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 126(45), 8 November 1984, pages 50-52

1984	"For many Japanese life comes to an end at 40"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 126(50), 13 December 1984, pages 51-53
	Reprinted in Mainichi Daily News, 17 December 1984, page 5

1985	"The St Valentine's Day clean-up of Soapland"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 127(7), 21 February 1985, pages 47-48

1985	"The unfortunate victims of Japan's classroom bullies"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 128(20), 23 May 1985, pages 65-66

1985	"Escaping from marriage, avoiding office love"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 130(50), 19 December 1985, pages 84-85
	On divorce in Japan.

1985	"It's all right to dream, it's wrong to marry"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 130(50), 19 December 1985, page 85
	On Prince Hironomiya's views of international marriage.

1986	"To tell or not to tell: That is the question"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 131(5), 30 January 1986, pages 34-36

1986	"Heroes from the past smite the woes of today"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 131(10), 6 March 1986, pages 53-55

1986	"Sexual capitalists exploit the Filipino connection"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 132(19), 8 May 1986, pages 105-107

1986	"Japanese youth and the Yukko syndrome"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 133(29), 17 July 1986, pages 45-47

1986	"Case against fingerprinting: Korean could be deported for resisting alien law"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 133(30), 24 July 1986, pages 43-44

1986	"Skid Row and flophouse in Japan's backyard"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 134(45), 6 November 1986, pages 50-51

1987	"Nakasone promotes pride and prejudice"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 135(8), 19 February 1987, pages 86-87

1987	"Japan curses Gaijin and AIDS still spreads"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 136(15), 9 April 1987, pages 111-113

1987	"Japan in the grip of alien-fingerprinting row"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 137(28), 9 July 1987, pages 48-50

1987	"Mentally ill shunted behind locked doors"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 137(33), 13 August 1987, pages 36-37

1987	"An imperialist hero or just another trader"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 138(40), 1 October 1987, pages 44-45
	[History -- Yamada Nagamasa in Siam]

1987	"Pride and sometimes prejudice in Japan: Anti-Semitism"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 138(42), 15 October 1987, pages 52-54

1988	"A Bridge not too far for those with leprosy"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 141(29), 21 July 1988, pages 41-42

1989	"The Showa is over: Paying their last disrespects to Emperor Hirohito"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 143(4), 26 January 1989, pages 38-39

1989	"A nation's dying industry: Burgeoning mortuary market spurs competition"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 143(11), 16 March 1989, pages 66-67 (Japan 1)

1989	"Rites of passage: History of funeral practices intertwined with religion"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 143(11), 16 March 1989, pages 67, 70 (Japan 2)

1990	"Bashers at wits' end: Satirists practise democracy-by-proxy"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 149(31), 2 August 1990, pages 25-26


The English Journal

Monthly magazine published in Tokyo
for intermediate to advanced students
Co-editor and annotator of most feature interviews
Occasional interviewier and cover feature editor

1978-2006 -- Over 20 interviews and other articles

1978	"Ethnolinguistic Discrimination"
	(Fruit, People, and Yellowface English)
	The English Journal, 8(4)88, March 1978, pages 48-54

1978	"Humanizing Language Training in Japan", New Horizon
	Part 1: Language and Education, 131, May 1978, page 14
	Part 2: Language and Human rights, 132, June 1978, page 14
	Part 3: World Auxiliary English (WAE), 133, July 1978, page 14
	Part 4: Language Use Ethics, 134, September 1978, page 14

1981	"Before and Beyond Writing"
	The English Journal, 11(4)128, April 1981, pages 90-93

1982	With Matsui Tsukasa [In Japanese and English]
	"English expressions of quantities"
	[Erekutoronikusu jidai no eigo]
	The English Journal, supplementary issue, 1982, pages 72-100

1982	"How to Choose an English Language School"
	The English Journal, supplementary issue, 1982, pages 216-220

1982	With Nishida Tsukasa [In Japanese and English]
	"Practical [English] letter writing"
	The English Journal, 12(13)149, September 1982, pages 122-135

1984	"Hearing Coach"
-1985	Hearing Marathon (The English Journal), February 1984 - January 1985

1988	[In Japanese] "Easy English Writing"
-1989	(Serialized in 12 four-page chapters)
	The English Journal, 18(6)234 - 19(3)250, April 1988 - March 1989


Other magazines and newsletters

1972	"The Educational Institution as a Nakodo"
	Nucleus (IEC, Tokyo), 25(3), Fall 1972, pages 6-10

1978	[In Japanese] Uezarooru Uiriamu
	"Gengo bunka ni hisomu minzoku sabetsu"
	[Ethnic discrimination latent in language culture]
	Amitie (Tokyo), No. 3, 1978, pages 16-18

1978	"World Auxiliary English and Language Education in Japan
	(Setting Goals for Meaningful Change)"
	Nucleus (IEC, Tokyo), 31(2), Summer 1978, pages 42-52

1978	"World Auxiliary English and Language Education in Japan"
	The Zen-Ei-Ren Magazine, No. 16, 1978, pages 2-7

1980	"Nationality and Immigration in Japan:
	Internationalism vs. Sexism and Ethnocentrism"
	Center News (The Japan Foundation, Japanese Studies Center)
	5(2), June 1980, pages 2-4

1981	[In Japanese] "'Hiroi Nihon' e no susume"  [Towards a 'Large Japan']
	Nucleus (IEC, Tokyo), 33(4), March 1981, pages 52-54
	One of three winners of the 35th Anniversary Essay Contest (November 1980)
	Japanese American Conversation Institute, International Education Center, Tokyo.

1983	[In Japanese] "Shakkinku, jistasu, ikka shinju: Nihon ni habikoru sarakin shokogun"
	[Loan worries, suicide, and family murder-suicide:  High-interest
	borrowing syndrome spreading in Japan]
	Shukan jiji (Tokyo), 25(23)1198, 18 June 1983, pages 66-68

1985	[In Japanese] "Chichi kara uketa mondai to sono kaiketsu"
	[The problem I got from my father, and its solution]
	Inochi no Denwa (Tokyo), 3(1)50, June 1985, pages 2-3

1986	"The Trial of Fumiko Kimura"
	PHP Intersect (Tokyo), 2(7)19, July 1986, pages 6-9


Articles in newspapers

Asahi shinbun

1977	 [In Japanese] "Eigo kyoiku no byorigaku: Ikita kotoba o ruuru de korosu na"
	[The pathology of English-language education: Don't kill a living languge with rules]
	Asahi shinbun, 21 January (Morning edition), page 5 (Rondan)


Asahi Evening News

1986-1988 -- Over 15 feature articles and book reviews

1986	"Nakasone's Remarks: An Anti-Nihonjinron Analysis" (Part 1)
	Asahi Evening News, 4 December, page 7
	"Nakasone's Remarks: An Anti-Nihonjinron Analysis" (Part 2)
	Asahi Evening News, 5 December, page 15
	A critique of Edward C.P. Stewart
	"Nakasone's Remarks: A Semantic and Intercultural Analysis"
	AEN, 5 November 1986, page 9

	Critical letter to editor 1
	Bart Ainsworth, "Communication Difficulties"
	AEN, 9 January 1987, page 5

	Rebutal letter to editor
	William Wetherall, "A Major Irritant"
	AEN, 16 January 1987, page 7

1988	"Honorary Whites, Gaijin, and Internationalization"
	Part 1: In the Name of Anti-Racism
	Asahi Evening News, 28 September 1988, page 9
	Part 2: Linguistic Apartheid in Japan
	Asahi Evening News, 29 September 1988, page 9


The Japan Times

1978-2005 -- Over 30 feature articles and book reviews

1977	"Concept of 'International' at English Language Schools In Japan
	Limited to 'Yellow Japan' And 'White America'"
	The Japan Times, 8 September 1977, page 10

1978	"Most Important Factor Involved in Learning English Is Student's Motivation"
	The Japan Times, 14 March 1978, page 11

1978	"Discriminatory Approach Toward Foreigners
	Intrinsic in Culture Here" (Another Culture, Another Way)
	The Japan Times, 22 June 1978, page 3 (Lions International Convention Extra)

1978	"Enormous Gaps Exist Between Constitutional Rights for Women and Actual Practices, Laws"
	(Nationality Law Is One of Discriminatory Examples)
	The Japan Times, 24 June 1978, page 3 (Lions International Convention Extra)

1981	"Anti-Suicide Traditions in Japan:  Past and Present"
	The Japan Times, 14 February 1981, pages 10-11.
	Winner of Specialist Division
	Third Japanology Essay Contest
	International Cultural Association of Kyoto, 1980
	Abridged version of winning essay.
	For complete essay and Japanese translation, see Articles in Books, 1983.

1983	"If Ito Can Be American, Why Can't Pak Be Japanese?"
	The Japan Times, 3 July 1983, page 10

1985	"Suicide in Japan"

	Part 1: "Suicide in Japan: Figures are misleading"
		Decreasing for the living, increasing for the dead
		The Japan Times, 19 August 1985, page 6

	Part 2: "Suicide in Japan: In the 1980s"
		Men who survived the '50s can't cope with the '80s
		The Japan Times, 26 August 1985, page 8

	Part 3: "Suicide and the individual personality"
		Blaming everything but individual personality
		The Japan Times, 23 September, page 12

1985	"Doctor's Cancer Dilemma:  To Tell or Not to Tell"
	The Japan Times, 13 November 1985, page 12

1986	"Multiethnicity or Fingerprinting: Japan's Moral Choice"
	The Japan Times, 27 July 1986, page 6 (Guest Forum)

1986	"What the Prime Minister Really Said About Ethnic Intelligence"
	The Japan Times, 26 November 1986, page 11

1986	"Seeing the Japanese Life Cycle Through Comic Books"
	The Japan Times, 10 December 1986, page 3 (National Edition)

1987	"Japanese have role in spread of AIDS around the world"
	The Japan Times, 12 April 1987, page 2
	[First part of four-part series cancelled after secound part]

1987	"AIDS: The human connection in local spread"
	The Japan Times, 13 April 1987, page 2
	[Second part of four-part series cancelled after this part]

1987	"AIDS relative endemic in Japan"
	(ALT may have been here since antiquity; may hasten AIDS)
	The Japan Times, 10 May 1987, page 10
	[Fourth part of four-part series later published by itself]

1987	"The anti-Semitic book boom"
	(It damages Japan's reputation in the World)
	The Japan Times, 9 September 1987, page 16 (Focus)

1988	"How to become a Japanese citizen"
	The Japan Times, 13 October 1988, page 14

1989	"How world press viewed Japan in 1912 (Passing of an Era)"
	The Japan Times, 4 January 1989, page 17


The Japan Times Weekly (Domestic edition)

1986	"A model for today? Chushingura story continues to fascinate Japan"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 13 December 1986, pages 1,6 (cover story)

1987	[Interviewed by Janet Snyder]
	"Japan's fingerprints for foreigners row heats up"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 8 August 1987

1987	"Yamada Nagamasa tales fact or fiction?"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 31 October 1987, page 6

1988	"Going home to the streets"
	(Anonymous homeless forgotten side of Japan's society)
	The Japan Times Weekly, 12 March 1988, page 5 and most of text on pages 8-9 (Cover story)

1988	"Bridge to the outside"
	(Gate-less span ends isolation for island's leprosy patients)
	The Japan Times Weekly, 16 April 1988, page 4

1992	"The Burakumin Debate"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 32(10), 7 March 1992, pages 1,4-5,15 (Cover story)

1993	"The Ainu Nation"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 33(1), 2 January 1993, pages 1,3-5 (Cover story)


The Japan Times Weekly (International edition)

1986	"What the Prime Minister Really Said About Intelligence"
	The Japan Times Weekly, 13 December 1986, page 8


Mainichi shinbun

1977	[In Japanese] "'Jiko shokai' no genkai
	("Nihon bungaku no kaigai muke hon'yaku wa Nihonjin de" ni tsuite)"
	[The limitations of 'self-introduction'
	(On "Overseas-oriented	translations by Japanese of Japanese literature")]
	Mainichi shinbun, 12 July 1977 (Yukan), page 6

1978	[In Japanese] "'Sekaijin' ni naru saitei joken
	(Nihonjin to iu jinshukan no tenkan)"
	[The first requisite of becoming a 'world person'
	(Changing the racial view of Japanese)
	Mainichi shinbun, 3 January 1978 (Chokan), page 5


Mainichi Daily News

1985-1994 -- Over 20 feature articles and book reviews

1985	"English Tanaka and Haiku as a Form of Writing Practice"
	Part 1: Phrases Prosaic and Poetic
	Mainichi Daily News, 6 August 1985, page 9
	Part 2: Splish, Splash, Kerplunk!
	Mainichi Daily News, 13 August 1985, page 9

1987	"Japan and Korea: Spiral of Nationalism"
	Mainichi Daily News, 21 August 1987, page 9

1987	"Japan and Asia?: Japanese Orientalism"
	Mainichi Daily News, 4 September 1987, page 9

1990	"William Wetherall's Seven Wonders of Japan"
	Mainichi Daily News, 20 January 1990, page 9


Other newspapers and periodicals

1963	"A Treatise on Nevada County Education and Culture"
	The Union (Grass Valley, California), 16 April 1963, pages 4-5

1964	"Life in the Army" nearly daily column
	The Union (Grass Valley, California)
	16 installments from 29 Oct 1964 to 26 Nov 1964

1975	"Bilingual education -- a way to identity"
	San Francisco Examiner, 11 June 1975, page 35 (Other Voices)

1978	"Chief Joseph"
	Easy Readings for Students
	New Horizon, December 1978, No. 137, page 13

1980	"Clean Water"
	[Kanagawa-ken] Kigyocho dayori, 108,1980-11, pages 50-51
	Reprint of "Clean Water" from Step News essay column (1980-05, No. 173, page 12)

1981	"Danjo sabetsu no Kokusekiho wa Kenpo ihan" [In Japanese]
	[The sexually discriminatory Nationality Law is unconstitutional]
	Fujin shinbun (Tokyo), No. 344, 10 May 1981, page 2

1983	Article in Japanese for weekly magazine
	"Subete boku no soozooryoku ne"
	Wezarooru Wiriamu san (Eigo gakko kyoshi)
	[ "Everything (results from my) power of imagination" ]
	[ Wetherall William (English school instructor) ]
	Shukan Asahi zokan "Pasokon ga nan da!!"
	20 March 1983, 88(12)3403, pages 37-38

1985	"Shinju a Human Act, Not a Cultural One"
	Pacific Citizen (Los Angeles), 13 September 1985, pages 8, 12



Columns in newspapers

1964	"Life in the Army" nearly daily column
	The Union (Grass Valley, California)
	16 installments from 29 Oct 1964 to 26 Nov 1964

1977-1978 "Gaikokujin ga mita Nipponjin" monthly column in Japanese
	Signed "Wezarooru Wiriamu" in katakana
	Step News (monthly newspaper of Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai)
	6 essays from 1977-10 (No. 142) to 1978-03 (No. 147)

1978-1980 "Eigo kobanashi" monthly column in English with Japanese notes
	Signed "William Wetherall"
	Step News (monthly newspaper of Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai)
	19 humorous stories 1978-04 (No. 148) to 1980-01 (No. 169)

1978-1983 Unnamed monthly column consisting of short essays
	Step News (monthly newspaper of Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai)
	57 essays from 1978-04 (No. 148) to 1983-02 (No. 206)


Columns in magazines and newsletters

1985	"Short Essay" monthly column
	NEW HORIZON English Course (Tosho)
	A monthly newsletter for middle school English teachers
	Humanizing Language Training in Japan
	Part 1: Language and Education
	  1978-05, No. 131, page 14
	Part 2: Language and Human Rights
	  1978-06, No. 132, page 14
	Part 3: World Auxiliary English (WAE)
	  1978-07, No. 133, page 14
	Part 4: Language Use Ethics
	  1978-09, No. 134, page 14
	Japanese Heterogeneity
	  1980-06, No. 154, page 14
	Motivation, Guilt, and Achievement
	  1980-07, No. 155, page 14


Book reviews

Reviews of fiction

1985	"Three Valuable Books on Old Japan"
	Reader's Journal, Summer 1985, page 19
	Review of Ryusaku Tsunoda, et al., Sources of Japanese Tradition
	Donald Keene, Anthology of Japanese Literature
	Dorothy Britton, A Haiku Journey (Matsuo Basho, Oku no Hosomichi)

1985	"'Japanese Peril' Revived in Popular Novels"
	The Japan Times, 29 June 1985, page 7

1985	"Paranoia invents the rebirth of the Yellow Peril"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 129(30), 1 August 1985, pages 41-42
	Reviews of The Miko, Dai-Sho, Kensei, and Zaibatsu

1986	"Appreciating Asian men"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 134(41), 9 October 1986, pages 56-57
	Review of Pat Barr
	New York: Warner Books, 1986 (1985)

1986	"Japan in Pulp (1): Bushido and Crime"
	Asahi Evening News, 4 December 1986, page 6
	Reviews of Marc Olden, Gaijin, Corgi Books, 1986
	and Nick Christian, Ronin, Tor, 1986

1986	"Japan in Pulp (2): The Son of Shogun"
	Asahi Evening News, 11 December 1986, page 6
	Review of Douglass Bailey, Shimabara, New York: Bantam Books, 1986

1987	"Japan as seen in recent pulp fiction"
	(What's portrayed often has little to do with reality)
	The Japan Times, 25 March 1987, page 12
	Review of Nick Christian
	New York: Tor (Tom Doherty Associates), 1986

1986	"Oh, to be a supergaijin"
	(Olden's outlandish storyteller's illusion)
	The Japan Times, 25 March 1987, page 12
	Review of Marc Olden
	London: Corgi Books (Transworld Publishers), 1986

1987	"Shogunesque titles"
	(One word says it all, and sells best, too)
	The Japan Times, 25 March 1987, page 12

1987	"'Japanese Peril' Revived in Popular Novels"
	The Japan Times, 29 June 1987, page 7

1988	"Americans utterly lost"
	The Japan Times, 26 March 1988, page 16
	Review of two books
	Richard Wiley, Soldiers in Hiding, London: Picador (Pan Books), 1987 (1986)
	Marc Olden, Oni, London: Corgi Books, 1987

1988	"The Twain Embrace"
	The Japan Times, 2 April 1988, page 14
	Review of Gerald Green
	East and West
	New York: Fawcett Crest, 1987 (1986)

1988	"Stories of conflict and harmony"
	The Japan Times, 10 September 1988, page 14
	Review of Cunde (Louis M. Munz)
	Japanese Snapshots
	New York: Vantage Press, 1988

1988	"From Here to Maternity"
	Mainichi Daily News, 21 November 1988, page 9
	Review of Nobuko Albery
	Absurd Courage
	London: Century Hutchinson, 1987

1989	'Samurai Stategy' good for straight pulp fix
	The Japan Times, 7 January 1989, page 14
	Review of Thomas Hoover
	The Samurai Strategy
	New York: Bantam Books, 1988

1989	"Samurai in space"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 146(48), 30 November 1989, page 45
	Review of two books:
	Robert Matthew
	Japanese Science Fiction: A View of a Changing Society
	London: Routledge, 1989
	John L. Apostolou and Martin H. Greenberg (eds)
	The Best Japanese Science Fiction
	New York: Dembner Books, 1989

1992	[Summer Reading]
	Mainichi Daily News, 8 August 1992, page 9
	Review of James Welch
	The Indian Lawyer
	New York: Penguin, 1992

2019	And Then There Were None: One Person by Kim Soom
	Korean Literature Now
	26 March 2019, Spring 2019, pages 83-84
	Review of Kim Soom (キム・スム), Hitori (ひとり) [One Person]
	Japanese translation by Oka Hiromi (岡裕美) of
	Kim Soom (김숨Kim Sum 金息), Han Myeong 한명 Hanmyŏng), 2016
	Tokyo: San-Ichi Shobo, 2018
	And Then There Were None


Reviews of non-fiction

1984	"The book of the dead"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 126(41), 11 October 1984, page 79
	Review of Lee A. Headley (editor)
	Suicide in Asia and the Near East
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983

1985	"Taboos and traditions"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 127(4), 31 January 1985, pages 40-41
	Review of Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney
	Illness and Culture in Contemporary Japan
	London: Cambridge University Press, 1984

1985	"Three Valuable Books on Old Japan"
	Reader's Journal (Tokyo), Summer 1985, page 19.
	Review of three books
	Ryusaku Tsunoda et al., Sources of Japanese Tradition
	Donald Keene, Anthology of Japanese Literature
	Dorothy Britton (trans), A Haiku Journey

1985	"Understanding Japan"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 129(32), 15 August 1985, pages 46-47
	Review of Kodansha
	Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan
	Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983

1985	"Espionage for prosperity"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 130(42), 24 October 1985, page 58
	Review of Richard Deacon
	Kempei Tai: A History of the Japanese Secret Service
	New York: Berkley Books, 1985 (1983)

1985	"Harmony from conflict"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 130(44), 7 November 1985, pages 76-77
	Review of three books
	Ellis S. Krauss, et al., Conflict in Japan
	Tetsuo Nejita, et al., Conflict in Modern Japanese History
	George De Vos (ed), Institutions for Change in Japanese Society

1986	"Universal divine wind"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 131(9), 27 February 1986, pages 43-44
	Review of three books:
	Richard O'Neill, Suicide Squads
	Warner, Warner, and Seno, The Sacred Warriors
	Edwin Hoyt, The Kamikazes

1986	"Prostitute and feminist"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 131(12), 30 March 1986, page 56
	Review of Tomoko Yamazaki
	The Story of Yamada Waka: From Prostitute to Feminist Pioneer
	Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1985

1986	"Fantasies of an 'outsider'"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 132(17), 24 April 1986, page 56
	Review of Jane Condon
	A Half Step Behind: Japanese Women of the '80s
	New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1985

1986	"Study of hidden motives"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 132(23), 5 June 1986, pages 53-54
	Review of Takeo Doi
	The Anatomy of Self: The Individual Versus Society
	Translated by Mark A. Harbison
	Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986

1986	"No Fruit, but Thorns"
	Part 1: Asahi Evening News, 11 September 1986, page 6
	Part 2: Asahi Evening News, 25 September 1986, page 6
	Two part review of Mamoru Iga
	The Thorn in the Chrysanthemum
	(Suicide and Economic Success in Modern Japan)
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986

1986	"Thorny price of success"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 134(41), 9 October 1986, pages 55
	Review of Mamoru Iga
	The Thorn and the Chrysanthemum
	(Suicide and Economic in Modern Japan)
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986

1986	"Perennial Questions"
	Asahi Evening News, 10 October 1986, page 9
	Review of Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
	"Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early-Modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825
	Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986

1986	"Is There a Permanent Subclass in Japan?"
	The Japan Times, 27 December 1986, page 8
	Review of Sueo Murakoshi, et al., (eds)
	Discrimination Against Buraku, Today
	Osaka: Buraku Liberation Research Institute, 1986

1986	"Are men born better at math?"
	Reader's Journal, 1(2), Winter 1986, page 19
	Review of Camilla Benbow and Julian Stanley
	Science (12 December 1980, 2 December 1983)
	in Science 85, June 1985
	and Jo Durden-Smith and Diane DeSimone
	Sex and the Brain
	New York: Arbor House Publishing Company, 1984

1987	"Priming the peace industry"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 135(4), 22 January 1987, pages 41-42
	Review of Women's Division of Soka Gakkai
	Women Against War
	Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986

1987	"The Banality of Evil"
	Asahi Evening News, 23 January 1987, page 7
	Review of Richard Drinnon
	Keeper of Concentration Camps: Dillon S. Myer and American Racism
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987

1987	"Delusions of Gender"
	Asahi Evening News, 2 February 1987, page 9
	Review of Women's Division of Soka Gakkai
	Women Against War
	Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986

	Critical letter to editor
	Tomiya Akiyama and Celine Shinbutsu, "From Soka Gakkai"
	AEN, 20 March 1987, page 7

	Rebutal letter to editor
	William Wetherall, "Claims and Logic"
	AEN, 21 March 1987, page 7

1987	[In Japanese] "Bunken shokai: Shohyo"
	[Introduction to resources: Book review]
	Jisatsu yobo to kiki kainyu (Tokyo), No. 11, March 1987, pages 34-35
	Review of Mamoru Iga
	The Thorn in the Chrysanthemum
	(Suicide and Economic Success in Modern Japan)
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986

1987	"Plague of historical bugs"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 135(10), 5 March 1987, pages 50-51
	Review of Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi
	Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early-Modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825
	Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986

1987	"Looking at homogeneity"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 136(19), 7 May 1987, page 52
	Review of G. G. Weeramantry
	Human Rights in Japan
	Melbourne: Lantana Books, 1979

1987	"Behind the high fences"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 136(20), 14 May 1987, page 63
	Review of Richard Drinnon
	Keeper of Concentration Camps: Dillon S. Myer and American Racism
	Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987

1987	"Horseriders march on"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 136(23), 4 June 1987, page 54
	Review of Jon Carter Covell and Alan Covell
	Japan's Hidden History: Korean Impact on Japanese Culture
	Elizabeth (New Jersey), Seoul: Hollym International Corp, 1985

1987	"Migration or Diffusion?"
	Asahi Evening News, 12 June 1987, page 9
	Review of Irving Rouse
	Migrations in Prehistory: Inferring Population Movement From Cultural Remains
	New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986

1987	"Outcasts of history"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 136(26), 25 June 1987 page 50
	Review of Sueo Murakoshi, et al., (eds)
	Discrimination Against Buraku, Today
	Osaka: Buraku Liberation Research Institute, 1985

1987	"About ourselves"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 137(31), 30 July 1987 page 42
	Review of Anthony J. Marsella, George De Vos, and Francis L.K. Hsu (eds)
	Culture and Self: Asian and Western Perspectives
	New York and London: Tavistock Pubsications, 1985

1987	"Passage to the East"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 137(33), 13 August 1987, page 75
	Review of Cyriac K. Pullapilly and Edwin J. Van Kley (eds)
	Asia and the West: Encounters and Exchanges from the Age of Exploration
	Notre Dame (Indiana): Cross Cultural Publications, 1986

1987	"How it all began"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 137(37), 10 September 1987, pages 50-51
	Review of Irving Rouse
	Migrations in Prehistory: Inferring Population Movement from Cultural Remains
	New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986

1987	"Asian Encounters of the Occidental Kind"
	Asahi Evening News, 25 October 1987, page 6
	Review of Cyriac K. Pullapilly and Edwin J. Van Kley (eds)
	Asia and the West: Encounters and Exchanges from the Age of Exploration
	Notre Dame (Indiana): Cross Cultural Publications, 1986

1987	"Popular Convolutions"
	Asahi Evening News, 13 November 1987, page 11
	Review of Shunsuke Tsurumi
	A Cultural History of Postwar Japan, 1945-1980
	London: Kegan Paul International, 1987

1987	"What's in a Title?"
	Asahi Evening News, 11 December 1987, page 10
	Review of Ben-Ami Shillony
	Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan
	Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981

1988	"Censorship and Tranquility"
	Asahi Evening News, 13 January 1988, page 9
	Review of Monica Braw
	The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in Japan 1945-1949)
	Lund Studies in International History, No. 23
	Malmo (Sweden): Liber Forlag, 1986

1988	"Revisiting the Pacific war"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 139(5), 4 February 1988, pages 73-74
	Review of Ben-Ami Shillony
	Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan
	Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1981

1988	"Homogeneous Misunderstandings"
	Asahi Evening News, 11 March 1988, page 9
	Review of Toshiya Torao and Delmer M. Brown (eds)
	Chronology of Japan [Nihon no rekishi]
	Tokyo: Business Intercommunications Inc. (Asuka Shobo), 1987

1988	"Wives, Widows and Prostitutes"
	Asahi Evening News, 8 April 1988, page 9
	Review of two books:
	Eiichi Kiyooka (translator and editor)
	Fukuzawa Yukichi on Japanese Women (Selected Works)
	University of Tokyo Press
	and Anne E. Imamura
	Urban Japanese Housewives: At Home and in the Community
	Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987

1988	"Asia's Diswelfare Woes"
	Mainichi Daily News, 10 April 1988, page 17
	Review of John Dixon and Hyung Shik Kim (eds)
	Social Welfare in Asia
	London: Croom Helm, 1985

1988	"A Japanese abroad"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 140(16), 21 April 1988, page 57
	Review of Seitaro Kanegae
	The Path to Friendship: A Tale of a Japanese immigrant in the Philippines
	Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publishing Company, 1987

1988	"Japan Hit and Missed"
	Asahi Evening News, 22 April 1988, page 9
	Review of Boye De Mente
	Japan Almanac
	Lincolnwood (Illinois): Passport Books, 1987

1988	"The Heart of the Law"
	Mainichi Daily News, 24 April 1988, page 9
	Review of Frank K. Upham
	Law and Social Change in Postwar Japan
	Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987

1988	"The Culturally Constituted Boy"
	Asahi Evening News, 13 May 1988, page 11
	Review of Edward Norbeck and Margaret Lock (eds)
	Health, Illness, and Medical Care in Japan: Culture and Social Dimensions
	Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987

1988	"Medical pluralism"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 140(23), 9 June 1988, page 88
	Review of Edward Norbeck and Margaret Lock (eds)
	Health, Illness, and Medical Care in Japan: Cultural and Social Dimensions
	Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987

1988	"How 'Americans' see Japan"
	The Japan Times, 13 August 1988, page 16
	Review of Sheila K. Johnson
	The Japanese Through American Eyes
	Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988

1988	"A fall-out of silence"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 141(34), 25 August 1988, pages 39-40
	Review of Monica Braw
	The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in Japan 1945-1949)
	Lund Studies in International History, No. 23
	Malmo (Sweden): Liber Forlag, 1986

1988	"Catching the Pacific Wave"
	Mainichi Daily News, 4 September 1988, page 9
	Review of The Pacific Review
	Vol. 1, No. 1
	Oxford University Press, 1988
	Focusing on Nathanial Thayer
	"Race and Politics in Japan"

1988	"Monkey Business and Caste"
	Asahi Evening News, 23 September 1988, page 9
	Review of Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney
	The Monkey As Mirror: Symbolic Transformations in Japanese History and Ritual
	Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987

1988	"Japanese in the Philippines"
	The Japan Times, 15 October 1988, page 14
	Review of Seitaro Kanegae
	The Path of Friendship: A Tale of a Japanese Immigrant in the Philippines
	Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publishing Company, 1987

1988	"Blue-eyed images"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 142(42), 20 October 1988, pages 89-90
	Review of Sheila K. Johnson
	The Japanese through American Eyes
	Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988

1988	"Is It All the West's Fault?"
	Mainichi Daily News, 23 October 1988, page 9
	Review of Theodore H. Von Laue
	The World Revolution of Westernization: The Twentieth Century in Global Perspective
	New York: Oxford University Press, 1987

1988	"See you in court"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 142(50), 15 December 1988, pages 93-94
	Review of Frank K. Upham
	Law and Social Change in Post-war Japan
	Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987

1989	"Japan's virulent imports"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 143(3), 19 January 1989, page 47
	Review of Ann Bowman Jannetta
	Epidemics and Mortality in Early Modern Japan
	Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987

1989	"How the emperor-god was seen"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 143(5), 2 February 1989, page 43
	Review of Kiyoko Takeda
	The Dual Image of the Japanese Emperor
	Basingstoke (Hampshire): Macmillan Education, 1988

1989	"Ersatz heaven: Guru of the afterlife gives preview tours"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 144(18), 4 May 1989, pages 61-62
	Review of Tetsuro Tanba
	Daireikai (Great Spirit World)

1989	"Living up to legend"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 145(28), 13 July 1989, page 60
	Review of Theodore C. Bestor
	Neighbourhood Tokyo
	Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989

1990	"Still say no: Shintaro Ishihara writes again"
	Far Eastern Economic Review, 149(31), 2 August 1990, pages 26, 30
	Review of Sore demo "ie" to ieru Nippon

1992	[Spring Paperback Roundup]
	Mainichi Daily News, 2 May 1992, page 9
	Review of Peter Matthiessen
	In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
	New York: Viking Penguin, 1991

1999	"Doing the dirty on a gaijin gangland king"
	Mainichi Daily News, 22 May 1999, page 9
	A reivew of Robert Whiting
	Tokyo Underworld
	(The Fast Times and Hard Life of an American Gangster in Japan)
	New York: Pantheon Books, 1999

2005	"Race across the Pacific"
	The Japan Times, 24 July 2005, 9 (The Asian Bookshelf)
	Review of Jon Turk
	In the Wake of the Jomon: Stone Age Mariners and a Voyage Across the Pacific
	New York: International Marine/McGraw-Hill, 2005

2006	"Written Texts -- Visual Texts"
	Andon 80 (Leiden: Society for Japanese Arts), 2006, pages 57-61
	Review of Susanne Formanek & Sepp Linhart (editors)
	Written Texts -- Visual Texts:
	Woodblock-printed media in Early Modern Japan
	Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2005

2012	"Translating 'Translation'"
	SWET newsletter (Tokyo), Number 130, May 2012, pages 72-85
	Review of David Bellos
	Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything
	New York: Faber and Faber, 2011



Among researchers and writers in Japan, I am known as a bit of a recluse, as I choose to remain aloof of professional associations and clubs and generally prefer to work alone. However, the door to my library has always been open to serious scholars and journalists, and I have greatly benefited from friendships and other associations with a number of other students of the human condition in Japan, who allowed me to participate in their work. Human nature being what it is, most people who cross my threshold publish their newspaper or magazine reports, or theses or books, without sending me copies or otherwise acknowledging my help. A few, though, have been generous with their thanks, for which I thank them.


1989	Karel van Wolferen
	The Enigma of Japanese Power:
	People and Politics in a Stateless Nation
	London: Macmillan, 1989
	496 pages
	"William Wetherall and Ivan Hall supplied running comments
	and many invaluable editorial suggestions
	while going through various drafts of the manuscript."
	I also supplied the subtitle.

1994	Ian Buruma
	The Wages of Guilt:
	Memories of War in Germany and Japan
	New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994
	330 pages
	"Finally, I am deeply grateful to Fritz Stern
	and William Wetherall, whose wisdom and erudition
	have improved the manuscript no end." (Page 520)

1996	Mark Schreiber
	Shocking Crimes of Postwar Japan
	Tokyo: Yenbooks, 1996
	312 pages
	"Thanks are also in order to William Wetherall, who was
	generous in sharing of his files on background data, and also
	provided invaluable advice while the book was in manuscript stage." (Page 10)

2001	Mark Schreiber
	The Dark Side:
	Infamous Japanese Crimes and Criminals
	Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2001
	250 pages
	"Two [Japan scholars and writers] in particular
	[from whom I received guidance and encouragement],
	Aaron Cohen and William Wetherall,
	were my teachers in every sense of the word." (Page 12)

2006	張賢徳
	Cho Yoshinori
	Hito wa naze jisatsu suru no ka?
	Shinrigaku-teki kaibo kenchosa kara miete kuru mono
	[ Why do people commit suicide?
	What can be seen from studies of psychological autopsies ]
	Tokyo: Bensei [Bensey] Shuppan
	First edition published 20 December 2006
	216 pages
	[ . . . William Wetherall, of the Japan Association of Suicide Prevention,
	who instructed (informed) [me] about
	psychological autopsies . . . ] (page 215)

2016	Mark Schreiber
	"Death by firing range"
	Number 1 Shimbun, 48(8), August 2016, pages 12-13
	Thanks for contributions to this article (page 13)

2018	Christopher Harding
	Japan Story: In Search of a Nation, 1850 to the Present
	London: Allen Lane (Penguin, Random House), 2018
	Newspapers [sic = News nishikie] depicting the Taiwan Expedition of 1874
	(Courtesy of Yosha Bunko collection, William Wetherall)
	Pages 162, 459



1978	Nathan Oba Strong
	Patterns of Social Interactions and Psychological Accommodation
	Among Japan's Konketsuji Population
	Doctoral dissertation
	Anthropology and Education, University of California, Berkeley
	3, vi, 268 pages
	Three full-page magazine advertisements and articles
	with kanji time stamps and hand-written identifications
	are from my collection, as are materials related to
	Japan's Nationality Law and the facsimile of
	my own article the Nationality Law.
	At the time Nathan completed his dissertation,
	I and my wife were preparing to file a lawsuit
	on behalf of our unborn child, a daughter born
	three months after Nathan filed his disseration.
	I was introduced to attorneys by Wagatsuma Hiroshi,
	a colleague of George De Vos, the chair of both
	Nathan's and my dissertation committees.
	Wagatsuma was also guided Nathan's dissertation.

2011	Simon Nantais
	Koreans and the Politics of Nationality and Race
	During the Allied Occupation ofJapan, 1945-1952
	Doctoral disertation
	Department of History, University of Victoria, 2011
	xiv, 283 pages
	"Bill Wetherall . . . always found time to answer my numerous queries" (page xiii)

2012	Lily Anne Yumi Welty
	Advantage Through Crisis:
	Multiracial American Japanese in Post-World War II
	Japan, Okinawa and America 1945-1972
	Doctoral disseration
	History, University of California at Santa Barbara, December 2012
	xvi, 227 pages
	UMI Number 3553794, Ann Arbor (Michigan): ProQuest, 2013
	"Bill Wetherall gave me access and direction with
	the materials in his extensive personal archive"
	(pages vi-vii)

2017	Diletta Pardini
	Il caso Kimura: un'analisi dal punto di
	vista guiridico e socio-culturale
	[ The Kimura case: an analysis from a legal
	and sociocultural point of view ]
	Corso di Laurea Magistrale
	in Lingue e Istituzioni Economiche e Giuridiche
	dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea
	[ (Course of) Master's degree (graduation) ]
	in Languages and Economic and Legal Institutions
	of Asia and (of) Mediterranean Africa ]
	Universita Ca'Foscari Venezia
	[ Ca' Foscari University of Venice ]
	Anno Academico 2016/2017
	[ Academic year 2016/2017 ]
	105 pages
	One-page inscription on personal copy includes
	"I wouldn't have got this far without
	your help and support . . . check page 2!"
	Page 2 says "To Bill" . . . her boyfriend's name!
	Diletta spent several months in Japan to work and study.
	Her research focused on suicides called "shinju",
	which involve either a suicide pact between two or more people,
	or more commonly one or more acts of suicide
	concomitant with or following one or more homicides.
	Dileta decided to study the issue of cultural defense
	in the case of Fumiko Kimura, who was tried for
	drowning her children in the act of attempting
	to drown herself, in Santa Monica, in 1985.
	I loaned Diletta my materials on the case, about which
	I myself had written, and we discussed it at length.
	It was most gratifying to work with such a bright,
	motivated, and resourceful person, who also has
	a gift for conversation and a sense of humor.



2017	Hyoue Okamura
	"The Language of "Racial Mixture":
	How Ainoko became Haafu,
	and the Haafu-gao Makeup Fad"
	Asia Pacific Perspectives
	Volume XIV, Number 2, Spring 2017
	Pages 41-79
	"Bill Wetherall for sharing ideas and helping me
	translate, write, and edit this paper" (page 59)


Other activities


Conversations with others as conversant or intervieww

1981	Talk in Japanese with attorney, legal scholar, and critic Sato Kinko (1934-2008)
	Wezarooru Wiriamu / Sato Kinko
	"Kokusekiho wa sakoku no ibutsu ka: Ho-ishiki kara mita Nihonjin to Amerikajin
	[ Wetherall William / Sato Kinko ]
	[ Is the Nationality Law a vestige of the closed-country? ]
	[ Japanese and Americans seen from (their] law-awareness ]
	Eigo tenbo (ELEC Bulletin), No. 74, Summer [July] 1981, pages 17-22, 30

1992	Talk in Japanese with Dave Spector at Bungei Shunju in Tokyo)
	"Rensai 172: Taidan: Deebu Supekutaa no TOKYO Saiban"
	"Raijingu San" no Nihon-kan wa machigai darake
	Gesuto: Wezarooru Wiriamu
	[ Number 172: Taidan: Dave Spector's Tokyo Saiban ]
	[ The view of Japan in "Rising Sun" is full of errors ]
	[ Guest: Wetherall William ]
	Shukan bunshun, 34(37)1703, 1 October 1992, pages 184-188


1978	Elaine Kim (interviewed at UCB)
	"Asian Americans and Yellow English"
	The English Journal, 8(4)88, March 1978, pages 20-23 (Japanese 91-92)

1978	Elsie Elliott, Andrew H. K. Tu, Janice Tan, Chong-Eun Kim,
	and Philip Cho (Interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Vignettes of Suicide in Asia"
	The English Journal, 8(11)95, September 1978, pages 14-18 (Japanese 96-97)

1978	Norman L. Farberow (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Suicide Prevention Across the Pacific"
	The English Journal, 8(11)95, September 1978, pages 10-13 (Japanese 95-??) [Cover story]

1978	Chalmers Johnson (interviewed at UCB)
	"Japan's Economic Bureaucracy"
	The English Journal, 8(13)97, November 1978, pages 18-21 (Japanese 105-107)

1978	Donald Keene (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Mishima the Person"
	The English Journal, 8(15)99, December 1978, pages 17-21 (Japanese 106-108)

1979	Roy Milne and Angela Warden (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"British English sans Anglocentrism"
	The English Journal, 9(1)100, January 1979, pages 26-30 (Japanese 162-163)

1979	[In Japanese] Hiraizumi Wataru, Parliamentarian, House of Representatives
	(interviewed at Hiraizumi's Kojima Construction office in Tokyo)
	"80 nendai no eigo kyoiku ni teigon suru"
	[A proposal for English language education for the 1980s]
	The English Journal, 9(1)100, January 1979, pages 57-62
	Special feature celebrating 100th edition of EJ

1979	David Wilkins, Redding College (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"The Notational Approach to Language Teaching"
	The English Journal, 9(4)103, April 1979, pages 80-86?? (Japanese 104-105)

1979	George De Vos (interviewed at UCB)
	"Ethnicity in Japan: The Limitations of Homogeneity"
	The English Journal, 9(6)105, May 1979, pages 71-75 (Japanese 71-75)

1979	Changsoo Lee and Hiroshi Wagatsuma (interviewed at UCLA)
	"Korean Japanese: Ethnicity and Nationality"
	The English Journal, 9(7)106, June 1979, pages 72-76 (Japanese 102-103)

1979	Haruo Aoki (interviewed at UCB)
	"The Nez Perce Indians: A North American People"
	The English Journal, 9(8)107, July 1979, pages 72-76 (Japanese 102-103)

1979	Mary St. John and Marie Soderberg (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Can Japanese Women Be Both International and Traditional?"
	The English Journal, 9(9)108, August 1979, pages 70-76 (Japanese 101-104, 108)

1979	Don Nakanishi (interviewed at UCLA)
	"Remembering the Camps: Jewish and Japanese Americans"
	The English Journal, 9(10)109, September 1979, pages 72-75 (Japanese 102-103)

1979	James R. Adrams (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Japanese Literature: Is it Translatable?"
	The English Journal, 9(11)110, October 1979, pages 62-65 (Japanese 99-100)

1979	Yuji Ichioka (interviewed at UCLA and in Tokyo)
	"Adjustment Problems of Early Japanese Immigrants in America"
	The English Journal, 9(11)110, October 1979, pages 71-74 (Japanese 101-102)

1979	Wilga M. Rivers, Harvard University (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Varieties of English: Listening, Understanding, Communication"
	The English Journal, 9(13)112, December 1979, pages 91-93 (Japanese 113-114)

1979	John Robertson (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Tokyo Summit Security: Was Assassination Possible?"
	The English Journal, 9(13)112, December 1979, pages, 81-85 (Japanese 110-112)

1980	Frank Motofuji (interviewed at UCB)
	"Japanese Films in America: Going Beyond Exoticism"
	The English Journal, 10(2)114, February 1980, pages 73-76 (Japanese 102-104)

1980	Robert Jungk (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Nuclear Weapons and Power: Not Enough to be Against"
	The English Journal, 10(6)118, June 1980, pages 47-51 (Japanese 80-82)

1980	Andre Boily and Pierre Bourque (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Horticulture Olympics: Les Floralies internationales de Montreal 1980"
	The English Journal, 10(6)118, June 1980, pages 62-65 (Japanese 85-86)

1980	Mujib R Khan (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"'Basket Case' Bangladesh: Breaking Poverty's Vicious Circle"
	The English Journal, 10(7)119, July 1980, pages 38-42 (Japanese 72-73)

1980	Michael Belanger (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"World Toilet Escapades"
	The English Journal, 10(9)121, September 1980, pages 34-38 (Japanese 71-72)

1980	F. Earle Barcus (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Sugar-Coated Violence: Improving Children's Television"
	The English Journal, 10(9)121, September 1980, pages 39-43 (Japanese 72-74)

1980	Harriet Russell (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Anata, Anta, Omae: Sex, Status, and Japanese Pronouns"
	The English Journal, 10(11)123, November 1980, pages 39-43 (Japanese 72-74)

1984	[In Japanese] Hoshino Yoshiro (interviewed in Tokyo)
	"Nihon no OA to Ajia" [Office Automation in Japan and Asia]
	Asian OAEC Report, No. 7, Special Issue
	Graphication (Fiji Xerox), 16(205), December 1984, pages 40-43


Presentations and appearances

1975	Speaker, Chief's Conference, Mt. Zion Hospital, San Francisco,
	25 February 1975, on the life and death of a Japanese woman who had
	emigrated to America at the age of 8 and committed suicide in Japan at
	the age of 24. She had been a classmate and friend at UC Berkeley.
	The hospital was conducting a psychological autopsy on her older sister,
	who had been hospitalized at Mr. Zion after their father had brought
	his younger daughter's ashes back to San Francisco from Japan and then
	committed suicide. The older sister, too, committed suicide while
	released from the hospital for the day to work.

1975	Moderator, "Japanese Films:  A Cultural Mirror", a panel discussion on
	"The Japanese Film Series" produced by KQED in San Francisco for PBS,
	sponsored by The Japan Society of San Francisco, and held 6 March 1975
	at the A.P. Giannini Auditorium, Bank of America, San Francisco.

1978	Presentation of paper, "'Crys for help' in Japan, past and present", at
	International Symposium on Suicide Prevention, Asahi Seimei Hall,
	Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, 12-13 May 1978.
	Japanese title: "Ninhon no 'tasuke o motomeru sakebu': Ima to mukashi".
	Published in 1979 as article in book.

1982	Presentation of paper, "Seibetsu-nenreibetsu haigu kankei tokei ni miru
	jisatsu kikendo no raifu saikuru" [The life cycle of suicide risk as
	seen in statistics by sex, age, and marital status], at 7th Symposium
	on Suicide Prevention, St. Paul's University, Tokyo, 9 May 1982.
	Summarization published in 1983 as article in book.

1983	Speaker, on "Being Japanese:  A Multiethnic View of Japan", before
	Japanese American Citizens League, Japan Chapter, at International
	House of Japan, Tokyo, 22 April 1983.

1984	Presentation of paper, "Shinju wa Nihon dokutoku no mono de wa nai"
	[Shinju is not something peculiar to Japan], at the 9th Symposium on
	Suicide Prevention, Tokyo Lutheran Center, Tokyo, 12 May 1984.
	Transcript of presentation published in 1984 as article in book.

1993	"'Ken'etsu' ya tabuu wa ninshiki busoku yori kowai"
	['Censorship' and taboos more frightening than lack of awareness]
	Presentation at Kyoto Hall, 29 July 1993
	42nd National Buraku Problems Summer Seminar 1993 (July 29-30)
	Kyoto: Buraku Problems Research Institute, 1993, pages 10-11
Presentation of article written for BPRI Published in Buraku (see Articles in journals) Republished in Narusawa (see Articles in books)
